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Re: Saddam Hussein's Fan Club

Is this a joke e-mail list or a serious one?  Sometimes I wonder whether
this CASI list is some kind of spook practical joke considering the
absurdities that find their way onto it!  If the issues of sanctions,
destroying Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, the suffering of the Marsh
Arabs and Iraqis generally were not all so serious, some of the stuff that
people write would be almost funny.


On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, J. Vernon wrote:

> The reliability of Saddam's home page
> [] has been called into question.
> Harriet ridiculed his claims to be a law graduate and author of several
> books. I don't find this implausible. Are lawyers such an angelic crew
> that Saddam could not be numbered among them? Every regime in the world
> purports to be based on the law, and not a few dictators have been lawyers
> themselves.  As for politicians masquerading as writers, imposters abound.
> Winston Churchill probably never wrote one word of 'A history of the
> English Speaking Peoples,' a work for which he got the Nobel prize for
> literature.
> J Vernon
> > Don't you think Saddam's claims to law qualifications and authorship of
> > "works" in intellectual, political, economic, educational etc fields, are
> > likely to be as well-founded in fact as his claim to descent from the
> > Prophet of Islam?
> > 
> > Harriet
> > 
> > --
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
> > To be removed/added, email, NOT
> > the whole list. Please do not send emails with attached files to the list
> > *** Archived at ***
> > 
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
> To be removed/added, email, NOT
> the whole list. Please do not send emails with attached files to the list
> *** Archived at ***

This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
To be removed/added, email, NOT
the whole list. Please do not send emails with attached files to the list
*** Archived at ***

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