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Re: Kuwaiti hostages

Mark Parkinson wrote: In my own view, the best method of resolving problems is 'jaw-jaw
and not war-war'. You ought to pressure our Government and others to enter into dialogue
with the Iraqi Government even if only on this very important issue.
Moonirah wrote: Thank you - your views noted.  However, 'dialogue' is the one thing which
Saddam and his regime have persistently resisted, despite genuine recent efforts from my
own British Government and many Foreign Governments plus attempts since 1991, throughout
these 9 years. All this year Iraq has boycotted meetings* with the UN and International
Red Cross with the TRIPARTITE COMMISSION charged with the task of locating and releasing
all third-nationals plus Kuwaiti detainees seen after 1991 in Iraqi prisons by Baroness
Emma Nicholson of The House of Lords, London - * hence the NEW DRAFT PROPOSAL RESOLUTION
from Britain,
since Saddam was upset with the UN setting up 'an expert panel' 31st January 1999 to
investigate the outstanding 'humanitarian' issue of Kuwaiti detainees and all Iraq does is
ask THAT group to attend to matters of Saddam's interest, but it is specifically for our
detainees !
Mark Parkinson wrote: Iraq and Iran have still not returned all their prisoners/hostages
from their conflict but progress has been made after bilateral talks.
Moonirah wrote: Iraq and Iran were 'at war', but 'The State of Kuwait' was invaded then
third-national civilians plus Kuwaitis illegally abducted as human shields for Saddam -
the Americans, French and British were freed, but individuals of 8 countries are still
held in Iraq.
Mark Parkinson wrote: I remember being surprised that there was almost never a mention of
the 605 Kuwaiti hostages in our media and Government statements. I am glad that you and
others are pressing hard for their release but I suspect that the 605 are a very low
priority for them
and are only being used as an excuse by the US/UK to prolong sanctions on Iraq.
Moonirah wrote:Yes, WE have always known the real motives of all !
I shall soon hear what ideas are held by the British Ambassador in Kuwait and Kuwaiti
Ambassador in London, as invited to meet both.
We, with H.E.L.P. have not asked for sanctions against any nation but I do think that if
Saddam releases our '605' there would be a little more mildew bread and contaminated water
to go around, whilst he dines well.
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