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Re: Oil Prices, Imports, Exports, and Dependency

Some of the arguments in the Economist article are, to
be very generous, misleading. 

It would be hard, even for a politician, to find an
interpretation of the following statement that will
render it true:

"Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than
they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the
oil price. Energy conservation, a shift to other
fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy,
energy-intensive industries have *** reduced oil
consumption ***." (*** is my emphasis)

1. Oil consumption has not been reduced in the rich
economies. It has increased massively. See the two
tables below for details. Of the world's richest
countries, only the UK has reduced its oil demands
since 1970 and its demands are on the rise again.

2. The argument that the rich countries are less
dependent on oil because oil represents a smaller % of
energy consumption now than it did in 1970 is
senseless (this is the most generous way of
interpreting the Economist argument). By analogy: If
my beverage intake yesterday consists of 1 litre of
water and 1 litre of melted chocolate, but today it
consists of 2 litres of water and 4 litres of melted
chocolate, I cannot say that I am less dependent on
water today than I was yesterday because water
represents a smaller % of my total intake. I'm still
drinking more water and I will die if I don't drink
any. (To continue the analogy, I could say that I have
become a bigger glutton.) Replace "I" with "rich
countries, particularly the US", "water" with "oil"
and "melted chocolate" with "other energy sources".

There are other misleading statements, but the above
arguments should adequately demonstrate the article's

Table 1.
World Energy Consumption by Fuel, 1970 - 2010

                Quadrillion BTU      Annual % Change
Energy Source   1970  1990   2010 1970-1990 1990-2010

Oil             97.8   135.4  181.3   1.6  1.5 
Natural Gas     36.1    72.0  106.8   3.5  2.0 
Coal            59.7    91.9  118.0   2.2  1.3 
Nuclear          0.9    20.3   24.4  16.9  0.9 
Renewables      12.2    26.2   41.1   3.9  2.3 
Total          206.7   345.6  471.7   2.6  1.6 

Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to
independent rounding.
Sources: History: Energy Information Administration
Office of Energy Markets and End Use, International
Database; and International Energy Annual 1992,
Projections: EIA, World Energy Projection System
(1995)." (taken from EIA website)

Table 2. (apologies for the poor formatting of this
one) See it at:
World Oil Consumption 1970-1996               
(Thousand Barrels per Day)                   
Source :  International Petroleum 
Statistics Report.  
February 1998.

Yr  France  Italy    Ger       U.K.   Europe    U.S.  
 Canada  Japan   Total               
70.. 1,937  1,710   2,607   2,096   12,404   14,697  
1,516   3,817   46,808
72.. 2,322  1,947   2,859   2,284   13,934   16,367  
1,664   4,363   53,094
74.. 2,447  2,004   2,748   2,210   13,988   16,653  
1,779   4,864   56,677
76.. 2,420  1,971   2,877   1,892   14,124   17,461  
1,818   4,837   59,673
78.. 2,408  1,952   2,927   1,938   14,290   18,847  
1,902   4,945   64,158
80.. 2,256  1,934   2,707   1,725   13,634   17,056  
1,873   4,960   63,067
82.. 1,880  1,781   2,372   1,590   12,053   15,296  
1,578   4,582   59,503
84.. 1,754  1,646   2,322   1,849   11,736   15,726  
1,472   4,576   59,836
86.. 1,772  1,738   2,498   1,649   12,102   16,281  
1,506   4,439   61,759
88.. 1,797  1,836   2,422   1,697   12,427   17,283  
1,693   4,752   64,819
90.. 1,818  1,872   2,382   1,752   12,629   16,988  
1,690   5,140   65,985
92.. 1,926  1,937   2,843   1,803   13,605   17,033  
1,643   5,446   66,742
94.. 1,833  1,841   2,879   1,837   13,597   17,718  
1,727   5,674   68,313
96.. 1,935  2,058   2,911   1,845   14,269   18,309  
1,797   5,867   71,894


--- Nathaniel Hurd <> wrote:
> Below [selected quotes and a comment, followed by
> the complete article] one of the Economist's 27
> November 1999 Leaders argues that "Rich economies
> are also less dependent on oil than they were [in
> '73]." 
> "Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a
> decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive
> industries has reduced oil consumption.
> Software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far
> less oil than steel or car production.
> For each dollar of GDP (in constant prices) rich
> economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973."
> "On the other hand, oil-importing emerging
> economies-to which heavy industry has shifted-have
> become more energy intensive, and so could be more
> seriously squeezed."
> This is material worth mulling over while listening
> to or reading sermons on how the Middle East is the
> permanent and unalterable keystone for U.S. and
> Western European energy security.
> With regards,
> Nathaniel Hurd
> Boston, USA
> 27 November 1999
> The Economist
> Leaders
> Oil’s pleasant surprise 
> It seems that oil-price shocks are less shocking
> than they used to be 
> COULD the bad old days of stagflation be about to
> return? Since OPEC agreed to supply-cuts in March,
> the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a
> barrel, up from less than $10 last December and its
> highest since the Gulf war in 1991. This
> near-tripling of oil prices evokes scary memories of
> the 1973 oil shock, when prices quadrupled, and
> 1979-80, when they also almost tripled. Both
> previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation
> and global recession. So where are the headlines
> warning of gloom and doom this time? 
> Their absence is even more striking given that, at
> the start of the year, many commentators (including,
> rather prominently, this newspaper) expected prices
> to fall, not rise. OPEC’s agreement to cut output
> has so far proved more durable than many predicted.
> The oil price was given another nudge up this week
> when Iraq suspended oil exports in a showdown with
> the UN over sanctions. Strengthening economic
> growth, at the same time as winter grips the
> northern hemisphere, could push the price higher
> still in the short term. 
> Yet there are good reasons to expect the economic
> consequences now to be less severe than in the
> 1970s. The sharp rise in oil prices follows an
> equally sharp collapse over the previous two years,
> when prices fell by more than half to their lowest
> level in real terms since before the 1973 shock.
> Even now, prices are not much higher than in early
> 1997. 
> Moreover, in most countries the cost of crude oil
> now accounts for a smaller share of the price of
> petrol than it did in the 1970s. In Europe, taxes
> account for up to four-fifths of the retail price,
> so even quite big changes in the price of crude have
> a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.
> Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than
> they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the
> oil price. Energy conservation, a shift to other
> fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy,
> energy-intensive industries have reduced oil
> consumption. Software, consultancy and mobile
> telephones use far less oil than steel or car
> production. For each dollar of GDP (in constant
> prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil
> than in 1973. The OECD estimates in its latest
> Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a
> barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998,
> this would increase the oil import bill in rich
> economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP. That is less
> than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980.
> On the other hand, oil-importing emerging
> economies—to which heavy industry has shifted—have
> become more energy-intensive, and so could be more
> seriously squeezed. 
> The impact on the output of oil-importing countries
> also depends on whether oil producers save or spend
> their windfalls. In 1973 and 1979 many OPEC
> countries already had current-account surpluses, and
> most of their extra oil revenues were saved. Today,
> many have large current-account deficits (Saudi
> Arabia’s hit 10% of GDP last year). Cash-strapped
> producers are more likely to spend their windfalls
> on imports from rich countries. 
> One more reason not to lose sleep over the surge in
> oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s,
> it has not occurred against the backdrop of general
> commodity-price inflation and global excess demand.
> A sizeable chunk of the world is only just emerging
> from recession. The Economist’s commodity price
> index is broadly unchanged from a year ago. In 1973
> commodity prices jumped by 70%, and in 1979 by
> almost 30%. 
> Refining the argument 
> Even if the impact will be more modest than in the
> past, dearer oil will still leave some mark.
> Inflation will be higher and output lower than they
> would be otherwise. The OECD’s rule of thumb is that
> a $10 increase, if sustained for a year, would
> increase the inflation rate in rich economies by
> about half a percentage point and knock about a
> quarter-point off growth. 
> The impact of higher oil prices varies by country
> too. Perhaps the biggest risk is in America, where
> rising oil prices may push the inflation rate higher
> than is currently predicted. The slide in oil prices
> in recent years was one of the main factors that
> helped to hold down American inflation, so
> prolonging the country’s long economic expansion.
> That positive factor is now going into reverse.
> Higher oil prices have already helped to lift
> America’s inflation rate to 2.6% in October, up from
> 1.5% a year ago; the latest rise in oil prices could
> well push it above 3%. The core inflation rate
> remains relatively subdued, but headline inflation
> could still spill into wages and hence other prices.
> If it does, the Fed might be forced to raise
> interest rates by more than is now forecast. So OPEC
> could yet do more damage than most people expect.
> -----------------------------------------------
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