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the response from IRaq

Iraq "categorically" rejects UN resolution 1284: MP 
Friday, 17-Dec-1999 2:40PM      Story from AFP 

BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (AFP) - Iraq "categorically" rejects a
UN Security Council resolution which aims to get UN
arms inspectors back into Iraq under a new sanctions
regime, an Iraqi MP told AFP Friday.

"Iraq categorically rejects this resolution," said MP
Yusef Hamdan.

"Iraq demands that the Security Council fulfill its
commitments towards Iraq, which has carried out the
resolutions of the Council, and immediately lift the
sanctions that were imposed in 1990," Hamdan said.

He described the vote as a "tragedy, and a bad start
to the 21st century," and lashed out at the
"cowardliness" of the three permanent council members
-- China, France and Russia -- which abstained in the

"We cannot count on the cowardly stances of these
great powers, who have common interests they cannot
give up for the benefit of Iraq," he said.

"The Russians want to guarantee themselves the silence
of the Americans," he said, in a reference to Moscow's
military offensive in Checnnya.

"The Chinese, who are led by graduates of American
universities, lose their heads as soon as the wheat
trade is mentioned," he said.

"As for the French, they have no differences with the
Americans, except when it is a matter of different

"The Iraqi people have huge resources and will fight
these shady plans which are not meant to lift
sanctions, but aim to maintain and prolong them," he

The UN Security Council voted Friday 11-0 in favour of
resolution 1284, under which sanctions against Iraq
will be suspended for renewable periods of 120 days,
provided Baghdad cooperates with a new UN arms control
body, to be called UNMOVIC.

The three permanent Council members which abstained in
the vote, withheld their power of veto over Council
decisions. One non-permanent member, Malaysia, also

Shortly after the vote was passed, Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein chaired a meeting of several of his top
officials, the official INA news agency reported.

Those attending included Vice President Taha Yassin
Ramadan, Deputy Prime Ministers Tareq Aziz and Hikmat
al-Azzawi, and Oil Minister Amir Mohammed Rashid.

Iraq is demanding the unconditional lifting of the
sanctions that have been in force since it invaded
Kuwait in 1990, and had frequently reiterated in the
run-up to the vote that it would reject the

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