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+AD4- Iraq has already used
+AD4- chemical weapons extensively against Iran and against its own
+AD4- Kurdish civilians, at Halabja, in March 1998, attacking them with
+AD4- mustard gas and the nerve agent Tabun and killing thousands in the
+AD4- process.

The wrong year+ACE- What Goeffrey does not say is that we were
supporting Iraq at the time and that when the reports of these
atrocities surfaced our lot did their best to ignore and suppress
these reports.

- It was in 1988.

+AD4- My honourable friend is right to be concerned about the humanitarian
+AD4- situation in Iraq - the Government are also concerned, but we
+AD4- reject the propaganda that seeks to hold the UN sanctions regime to
+AD4- blame. Let me remind my honourable friend once again that food,
+AD4- medicines and goods for essential civilian needs are not prohibited
+AD4- under sanctions. That means Iraq can and does import, for example,
+AD4- food, medicines, bandages, pencils, ambulances, chemotherapy drugs,
+AD4- educational materials, medical journals and school desks.  Claims
+AD4- that the United Nations, or the United Kingdom itself blocks those
+AD4- goods are nonsense.

Again Geoffrey is telling the truth but not the whole truth+ACE- Iraq needs
to BUY these items. It's only significant export is oil which is strictly
controlled and then we see these items being effectively prohibited
by the UNSC committee. Iraq cannot buy freely what it considers
necessary for its people. Why else do Iraqis still die because of
untreated water?

- I don't think he's telling the truth. All scientific material (including
books) is still forbidden, unless the UN Committee allows single contracts.
I remember Denis Halliday (former chief of the UN humanitarian program in
Baghdad) saying that the delivery of several ambulances was blocked for many
months by the usual US-UK vetoes.

Eri Garuti

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