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(1) holiday CASI -discuss list management; (ii) letter writing co-ordinator?

Dear CASI list member,

The discussion list moderator (myself) and my usual understudies are not
going to be in regular contact with our computers from now until 2 January
2000.  As a result, we are putting the list into SECURE mode.  This means
that any message posted must be approved by a moderator before being
forwarded.  This reduces the effectiveness of the list but also reduces
the chance of something getting out of hand in our absence.

The second item in this letter is to ask whether anyone is interested in
co-ordinating "letter to editor" writing.  In the past few weeks, I've
diligently responded to Gabriel's calls to "write to the editor" and have
been rewarded by a letter in the Guardian and (yesterday) the Financial
Times.  I always wonder, though, whether I should bother writing a letter
if other people on the list are.  Of course, if everyone thinks like this,
no letters are written.

I therefore wondered whether it would be a good idea to have a "letter to
editor co-ordinator" who would be respondible for maintaining a roster of
letter writers.  Writers would sign up for, say, a week and would be
prepared to answer Gabriel's (or anyone else's) call for that week.  It
would be nice to have two or so people signed up per week.

I think that this might not only increase the number of letters being
written from list members, but it might help to involve people on the
edges of the list who are happy to help in some way, but wonder how.
List members can provide advice on letter contents so don't worry if
you've not yet read the latest Security Council Resolution or
Secretary-General's report.

To start the scheme off, I propose that we find a co-ordinator.  Your job
would be to work out and implement the details of this scheme.  If you're
interested, please let me know. 

Best wishes,
Colin Rowat

Coordinator, Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq

393 King's College            
Cambridge CB2 1ST                       tel: +44 (0)468 056 984
England                                 fax: +44 (0)870 063 4984

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