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[Iraq_L] NEWS: Iraq Ready to Cooperate with Kuwait

Iraq ready to cooperate with Kuwait on searching for
missing persons 
Friday, 07-Jan-2000 10:00AM      

DUBAI, Jan 7 (AFP) - Iraq is seeking to provide Kuwait
with information on about 600 people who disappeared
during its seven-month occupation of the emirate,
Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Said al-Sahhaf said
Friday, signalling an apparent change of policy on
missing persons.

Sahhaf told the popular Qatar-based Al-Jazira
satellite television channel that 29 cases had already
been solved.

"We have provided all the information we have," he
said, adding: "We still have to give information about
297 missing persons, and complete our information on
another 301."

Iraq has until now publicly taken the line that
although it took some Kuwaiti prisoners when it was
driven out of the emirate at the end of the Gulf war
in February 1991, it lost track of them during a
Shiite Muslim rebellion in the south of the country
which broke out immediately afterwards.

Sahhaf said the Kuwaitis had been given the files of
1,500 missing Iraqis, "but so far they have not
provided any information about a single one."

He blamed Kuwait for "politicising" the question of
prisoners "as part of their policy of hostility
towards Iraq."

"That will not give results," he said.

He called on Kuwait to continue the investigation into
the issue as part of the tripartite committee of Iraq,
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, that meets under the auspices
of the Red Cross.

However, since the US and British air strikes on Iraq
in December 1998, Baghdad has boycotted all meetings
of the Red Cross committee, saying it will not take
part as long as Britain, France and the United States
-- all permanent members of the UN Security Council
which has imposed sanctions on Baghdad since its 1990
Kuwait invasion -- are invited.

Kuwait on December 31 pressed Iraq to cooperate fully
on the question of missing persons at a forthcoming
meeting in Geneva.

A spokesman for Kuwait's committee on the disappeared
said Baghdad should participate in a Red Cross-led
meeting on February 7 "if the Iraqi government is
serious about the matter."

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