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FYI - book on family life in Iraq - (c) 1997

Note: I haven't read this book, and do not have any more information than
what is listed here.  It seems interesting, though, and could be useful in
humanizing the people of Iraq. - Rania M.

A Family from Iraq 
John King Price: $22.11 

Format: Library Binding, 32pp.
ISBN: 0817249044
Publisher: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers
Pub. Date: September  1997



Describes the activities of an extended family living on the outskirts of
Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, providing brief information about daily life
and customs.


>From School Library Journal  

Gr 2-4Very basic information about life and customs in Iraq is revealed
through descriptions of the daily activities of a presumably middle-class
extended family living on the outskirts of Baghdad. The members consist of
an elderly couple and their two adult children in one house, and a married
daughter living with her husband and five children a few blocks away. The
family was chosen by the Iraqi government. Work, schooling, leisure
activities, housing, clothing, food, and meal preparation are among the
topics included. Brief mention is made of some hardships endured since the
ending of the Gulf War. Yellow text blocks offer additional facts.
Full-color, sometimes fuzzy photographs cover most of and sometimes an
entire page. They were obviously in short supply; the cover photo is
repeated in whole or part on seven pages; other pictures appear at least
twice. The book concludes with a helpful pronunciation guide, a brief
glossary, and a further-reading list of materials from the early 1990s.
This is a serviceable offering if material at this level is needed;
otherwise, stick with Susan M. Hassig's Iraq (Marshall Cavendish, 1995),
which has more detailed descriptions but is on a higher reading level.Diane
S. Marton, Arlington County Library, VA

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