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Fact finding

Thank you all very much for your help with my recent questions.
There are two more points on which I ask for your support:
1.) What is the standpoint of the Iraqi opposition towards the
sanctions? I am aware that there are very many opposition groups, but if
anybody knows of any reactions at all, I would be very grateful for any
such information. My aim is to verify that the sanctions are not helpful
in weakening the Iraqi leadership.

2.) Time and again, I am confronted with the argument that the Iraqi
government is withholding funds intended for food and medication from
its people, building palaces instead. I am aware that there is no
evidence that could demonstrate that the Iraqi leadership was
withholding funds from the “oil for food program”, but, in order to
oppose such statements in a qualified manner, could anybody tell me
where the Iraqi government actually receives the money for the palaces
that have apparently been built since 1990 from?

I thank you all once again for your help.
Leila Kais

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