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UK Ministers statements on "warehousing"?

I have been asked by someone working on a television documentary on Iraq
if I can track down any quotes by senior government ministers on the
"warehousing", "stockpiling" or "failure to distribute" supplies by the
Iraqi government.

I have found the 4 March 1999 Hansard record of the Commons debate between
George Robertson, in which he makes such claims.  If anyone on the list
knew of other incidents in which ministers with the profile of Robertson,
Cook, Blair or Baroness Symons made similar remarks, I would be grateful
if they could forward me references to these.

Thank you very much.


Colin Rowat

Coordinator, Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
     fax 0870 063 5022

393 King's College  
Cambridge CB2 1ST             tel: +44 (0)468 056 984
England                       fax: +44 (0)870 063 4984

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