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Top UN Aide Asks to Leave Post in March

"Last week von Sponeck urged an end to sanctions imposed on Iraq for its
1990 invasion of Kuwait and criticised the oil-for-food programme.

Last October he called on the members of the U.N.  Security Council to
separate the issue of relief for ordinary Iraqis from the more
controversial political issues of disarmament."


 Top UN Aide Asks to Leave Iraq Post in March

BAGHDAD, Feb 13 (Reuters) - The top U.N. humanitarian official in Iraq has
formally asked to leave his post at the end of March, a U.N. official in
Baghdad said on Sunday. 

Hans von Sponeck, a German career U.N. official, has been under U.S. and
British pressure to leave for criticising trade sanctions imposed on Iraq
since 1990 and saying the humanitarian oil-for-food programme he heads was
not meeting the minimum requirements of Iraq's 22 million people.

"He has asked the Secretary-General to release him from his post as of the
31st of March," George Somerwill, the U.N. spokesman in Baghdad, told

Somerwill declined to comment on the reasons for von Sponeck's departure.

He said von Sponeck would return to New York for consultations at the end
of February and then come back to Baghdad before leaving his post.

Von Sponeck was appointed on October 26, 1998, as the fifth humanitarian
coordinator to run the programme under which Baghdad sells oil to buy
food, medicine and other goods under U.N. supervision.

In November, Annan extended his term to April 25 rather than for a full
year as some expected, but refused to release him immediately as
Washington wished.

Last week von Sponeck urged an end to sanctions imposed on Iraq for its
1990 invasion of Kuwait and criticised the oil-for-food programme.

Last October he called on the members of the U.N.  Security Council to
separate the issue of relief for ordinary Iraqis from the more
controversial political issues of disarmament.

His criticisms won him praise in the Iraqi press, angering Washington and

On Friday, the ruling Baath party newspaper al-Thawra said von Sponeck's
analysis was based on facts and figures. "He did not publish presonal
viewpoints irrelevant to his job when he talked about the deterioration of
the health or food situation in Iraq," it said. 

Last year Washington accused von Sponeck of siding with Iraq in a
propaganda battle over who is to blame for the suffering of the Iraqi
people: the West, for imposing the sanctions, or the Iraqi government, for
failing to meet the terms for lifting the embargoes. 

Iraq, which is under U.N. orders to destroy its weapons of mass
destruction, has banned U.N.  disarmament inspectors since December 1998
when Washington and London launched four days of extensive air and missile
attacks against it for failing to cooperate with the monitors. 

Baghdad has since then dismissed a new U.N. resolution which could ease
the sanctions if it allows the inspectors to return. MORE@

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