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More on 1284 from Jutta Burghardt

Here's a later (AP) story by Leon Barkho that claims - on pretty slim
evidence as far as I can see - that there are real differences between
Burghardt and von Sponeck in relation to 1284.

The piece claims that "unlike von Sponeck, who dismissed [1284] as
inadequate ... Burghardt said it "has really positive elements". It also
claims that "Burghardt fully supports von Sponeck".

An earlier (Reuters) report claimed that Burghardt "opposed" 1284 while
Burghardt herself was quoted by Agence France Presse (in a piece entitled
"UN food aid chief joins protest against UN sanctions resolution", which in
turn cited an interview with CNN) as saying that "I find it increasingly
difficult ti be legally bound as we are told by New York to implement
(Security Council) resolution 1284".

Nonetheless my earlier description of Burghardt as having "blasted" 1284 may
have been somewhat premature.



Wednesday February 16 10:01 AM ET
U.N. Official Quits Over Impasse

By LEON BARKHO Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The head of the U.N. World Food Program in Iraq said
today that a stalemate over a Security Council resolution laying out a new
approach to the nation prompted her to quit.

``The United Nations is legally bound to implement it, but the government
(of Iraq) is not cooperating for its own reasons,'' Jutta Burghardt said in
her first comments since announcing her resignation Tuesday.

Burghardt, of Germany, was the second senior U.N. relief official to quit
this week citing concerns over the humanitarian situation in Iraq. Hans von
Sponeck, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, also resigned saying
civilians are victims of the standoff between the Iraqi government and the
Security Council.

During the past decade, Iraqis have struggled under economic sanctions
imposed after Baghdad's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Under U.N. resolutions, the
sanctions cannot be lifted until weapons inspectors certify Iraq is free of
weapons of mass destruction.

Von Sponeck, a German diplomat, long has called for a clear separation of
humanitarian aid and disarmament issues.

Burghardt said she fully supports von Sponeck, whose findings ``cannot be
challenged by anybody who has a perceptive mind and heart.''

But unlike von Sponeck, who dismissed as inadequate a December resolution
that will partially suspend sanctions in return for full cooperation with a
new weapons inspection commission, Burghardt said it ``has really positive

With the Iraqi government digging in its heels, however, the resolution
cannot be implemented and the suffering of civilians is bound to continue,
she said.

Not implementing the resolution ``brings the unresolved issues full force to
the ground here - and we are supposed to resolve them.''

Von Sponeck said the new policy was flawed and did not make a clear
distinction between civilian needs and disarmament obligations.

``I do not think this resolution has a chance to come to fruition very
quickly ... even if that happens I do not think that this is enough,'' Von
Sponeck told The Associated Press. His resignation became official Monday.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who is in Indonesia on the final leg of a
tour of Southeast Asia, said today that there would be no change to the
world body's approach to Iraq.

``I will just have to appoint a new director,'' he said. ``We are
continually trying to work to make it as effective as possible, and I think
the program will go forward.''

The resolution lifts a cap on Iraqi oil sales to help the government earn
more money to finance humanitarian purchases. It is intended to make
approval of contracts easier and opens the possibility of foreign investment
in the oil industry and the use of oil proceeds to buy local produce. But it
also sets up a new weapons-inspection regime, which Iraq has vowed not to

Iraq has criticized the resolution and has continued pumping oil within the
old six-month ceiling of $5.2 billion.

The United Nations closely monitors spending of oil revenues, limiting
Iraq's purchases largely to humanitarian goods under an ``oil-for-food''

Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz today urged Annan to declare that the
program is not functioning properly: ``He is the person who bears the

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