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Annan: OFF Will Go On Unchanged (16 Feb. 00)

Source: Lexus Nexis Academic Universe

Copyright 2000 Associated Press   
AP Worldstream 
February 16, 2000; Wednesday 8:38 AM Eastern Time 
SECTION: International news 
DISTRIBUTION: Middle East; England; Europe; Britian; Scandinavia; Asia 
LENGTH: 300 words 
HEADLINE: U.N. Secretary General says Iraq program will go on unchanged With Indonesia-UN 



U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said Wednesday that there would be no change to the world body's 
approach to Iraq, despite claims by top U.N. officials that civilians are suffering due to it. 

Hans Von Sponeck, the head of the U.N.'s mission in Iraq, was one of two top officials to resign in 
the past few days in protest over the U.N.'s program, saying Iraqi civilians will continue to 
suffer unless the world body changes its ways. 

But Annan, who is in Jakarta on the final leg of a tour of Southeast Asia, said there would be no 
change to the program, in which sanctions are imposed on Iraq for its 1990 invasion of Kuwait. 

''I will just have to appoint a new director,'' he told reporters. ''We are continually trying to 
work to make it as effective as possible, and I think the program will go forward.'' 

Speaking on Tuesday, von Sponeck said the new Iraq policy was flawed and did not make a clear 
distinction between civilian needs and disarmament obligations. 

Following von Sponeck's example, Jutta Burghardt, the head of the U.N. World Food Program in Iraq, 
resigned Tuesday. European diplomats in Baghdad said she was also protesting the U.N. sanctions. 

The resignations come as the U.N. Security Council is striving to persuade Iraq to accept its 
December resolution that will partially suspend sanctions in return for full cooperation with a new 
weapons inspection commission. 

The sanctions can only be permanently lifted if U.N. arms inspectors can verify that Iraq's 
long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction are completely dismantled. 

Von Sponeck said the U.N. oil-for-food program, which allows Iraq to sell oil to buy food and other 
essential items, was barely meeting what he called the ''survival requirements'' for Iraq's 22 
million people. 


LOAD-DATE: February 16, 2000
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