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Re: UK televison news coverage of resignation(s)

I haven't seen any television, but there was a BBC World Service news
interview with Richard Butler on Monday night at about 1:30am, discussing
Van Sponeck's resignation.   I was interested that he agreed with the
interviewer in disapproving of sanctions which hurt the people and not those
with power and was keen to sing the praises of "targeted sanctions", but
perhaps this is his usual line?

Ali Draper.


Ali Draper

077111 30570

Girton College, Cambridge, CB3 OJG

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Parkinson <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 11:42 PM
Subject: UK televison news coverage of resignation(s)

> I did not see any TV last night here in the UK. Can anyone say
> whether the main news bulletins on TV covered this story? news at
> 6pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, Newsnight?
> Thank you.
> Mark Parkinson
> Cornwall
> --
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