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Re: Nobel Laureates' Appeal

The fact mother Teresa is one of the signatories suggests either that this
is a very old message or that the list of signatories has been creatively
edited, given that she died in 1997!!!

best wishes,

>     Today, in every single country throughout the world, there are many
> children silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence.
>     This violence takes many different forms : between children on streets,
> at school, in family life and in the community. There is physical violence,
> psychological violence, socio-economic violence, environmental violence and
> political violence. Many children - too many children - live in a "culture
> of violence".
>     We wish to contribute to reduce their suffering. We believe that each
> child can discover, by himself, that violence is not inevitable. We can
> offer hope, not only to the children of the world, but to all of humanity,
> by beginning to create, and build, a new Culture of Nonviolence.
>     For this reason, we address this solemn appeal to all Heads of States,
> of all member countries of the General Assembly of the United nations, for
> the UN General Assembly to declare:
>     That the first decade of the new millennium, the years 2001-2010, be
> declared the "Decade for a Culture of Nonviolence";
>     That at the start of the decade the year 2000 be declared the "Year of
> Education for Nonviolence";
>     That nonviolence be taught at every level in our societies during this
> decade, to make the children of the world aware of the real, practical
> meaning and benefits of nonviolence in their daily lives, in order to
> reduce the violence, and consequent suffering, perpetrated against them and
> humanity in general.
>     Together, we can build a new culture of nonviolence for humankind which
> will give hope to all humanity, and in particular, to the children of our
> world.
>     With deepest respect,
>     The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
>     Signed by : Mairead Maguire Corrigan, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa,
> Aung San Suu Kyi, The 14th Dalaď Lama (Tenzin Gyatso), Mikhail Sergeyevich
> Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Elie Wiesel, Mgr. Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Adolfo Pérez
> Esquivel, Yasser Arafat, Mgr. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, José Ramos-Horta,
> Norman Borlaug, Oscar Arias Sánchez, UNICEF, Frederik Willem de Klerk,
> Betty Williams, Lech Walesa, Joseph Rotblat, Henry Kissinger, Jody
> Williams, John Hume, David Trimble, Rigoberta Menchu Tum and the American
> Friends Society
> --
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> --
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