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Jarvis and the slippery pole.

Hi All ,

Two of Britain's most incisive political comics joined forces this week to raise funds for the Legal Defence of Monitoring Groups, which provides voluntary support for those arrested or injured during non-violent direct action. Robert Newman and Mark Thomas, steam up at London's Red Rose Comedy Club, in a benefit that also features a short film, Big Rattle In Seattle. "L D M G's worke will be more crucial than ever if the so called Legislation Against Terrorism goes through" says Newman "an attack on non-violent direct action, if this legislation had existed in other times, other places, it would have outlawed the Suffragettes, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Anti-apartheid Campaigners. But prior to that, on Sunday, Newman performers work in progress on a stand-up story-telling show . Stories include Jarvis And The Slippery Pole, The Battle Of Seattle, The Island That Floated Away and The Fountain At The Centre Of The World. WC.

Finnigan's Wake, London N1. Sunday the 27th February .

Red Rose, London N7. Wednesday the 1st March .

Humorously yours, Dave.

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