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TODAY on CNN: Iraq humanitarian coordinator

From: Tracy Moavero <>

Hans von Sponeck, the UN's humanitarian program coordinator for Iraq who
just resigned in protest over the devastation of sanctions, will be
appearing on CNN. I've been unable to get someone on the phone at CNN to
find out when this will air, though a colleague from the Global Policy
Forum who will also be appearing on the program said it is taping at 4:30
this afternoon and may be live. It is not impossible that this will only
run on CNN International (the rest of the world gets a different CNN than
we do in the US). Sorry that my info is sketchy, but I know that some of
you would like to know about this. 

Tracy Moavero
Peace Action International Office
866 United Nations Plaza, #4053
New York NY 10017-1822
Tel + 1 212 750 5795
Fax + 1 212 750 5849

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