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FW: U.S. Delegation to Northern Iraq

If James Rubin's lies were not so dangerous, he would be funny. This comes
straight from the State Department. Does anyone understand the expression
"Well, it's a little bit out of left field maybe". It sounds extremely

Excerpt:  U.S. Delegation to Northern Iraq
State Department Noon Briefing, March 9, 2000.
State Department Spokesman Jamie Rubin briefed.

Q:  Well, it's a little bit out of left field maybe, but the Iraqi Foreign
Minister is complaining to the UN Security Council that an American State
Department delegation has gone into northern Iraq.  They don't like it.  And
I wonder if you could respond to that?  Have they got their facts right?
And do they have a cause for complaint?

MR. RUBIN:  Yes.  We have from time to time sent delegations to Northern
Iraq from the regional bureau there, to work with the Kurdish officials in
Northern Iraq, to promote reconciliation between the officials there to
ensure that they comply with and live up to the agreement they reached in
Washington that the Secretary of State negotiated with them.

So those visits do occur from time to time, and they generally occur without
the support of the Iraqi Government. And we're aware that the Iraqi
Government doesn't support such visits.  But we have made clear, while we
recognize the territorial integrity of Iraq, that we think it's important
and appropriate for us to meet with Kurdish officials in northern Iraq, and
we will continue to do so as we see fit.

Q:  You mean reconciliation between Kurdish groups?

MR. RUBIN:  Right.

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State.  Web site:

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