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Re: Open letter to President Clinton on Iraq.

Hello Friends
    First of all that letter was good.  For those of you who dont know me my 
name is Larry Provost and Im an ex Soldier who served in Kuwait in the summer 
of 98.  I am a Conservative McCain Christian Republican.  Like that one huh?
    As of now I attend SUNY Oswego (senior) in history, pol science, and 
American studies.  My plans are to go to law/grad school in DC afterwords and 
possibly return to the military. For I love my country and the principles it 
stands for.
    Some of the principles that the United States stands for is a willingness 
to admit our errors.  I do not feel that every foreign policy decision we 
make is evil even if we do benefit economically but I feel the sanctions are 
in error, not because Im a pacifist or what not but because the innocent 
suffer (which sadly happens in war) and Saddam is using that to be stronger 
in his personal dictatorial grip on Iraq.  
    So Im with you guys and I want you to know that even if we have different 
reasons and backrounds.  It is proper to introduce myself and I hope that we 
can work together for the cause of peace.  Right now our St Govt is 
considering a resolution against the sanctions like the Un of Michigan and Un 
of Texas.  We even stole a few phrases from their language if thats ok.  (We 
cited)  Let you know how it is.  Best of luck and look forward to working 
with you in any way that I can.  

    Let me know how I can help

Lord Bless
Larry Provost
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