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New Project: MAIC: Musicians for the Aid of Iraqi Children

Dear friends,

Please find enclosed information on a new project for Iraq.. Please e-mail for all enquiries.


New Project: MAIC: Musicians for the Aid of Iraqi Children

We can make a difference ...

4,500 Iraqi children die every months as a result of the sanctions ...
Most of these deaths occur in the forms of malnutrition, due to the lack
of food; deaths due to the lack of medicine, where otherwise these deaths
could have been avoided; and, deaths due to the accelerating rates of
cancer between Iraqi children. These deaths are happening in one of the
richest countries on earth, in terms of natural resources!

MAIC is a charity that aims to raise money to supply food and medicine to
Iraqi Children. 

Money will be raised from the sales of a musical album; the MAIC album.
This album will be compiled using songs contributed by musicians from all
over the world. If you are a musician, you are invited to send your
contribution to be a candidate for inclusion on the MAIC album.


Please e-mail for all enquiries.
MAIC is a charity working in association with the Iraqi Community
Association of Wales (reg. charity). 

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