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RE: European parliament reported resolution


I'm a bit confused. I was under the impression that Britain was part of the
European parliament. Clearly, I'm wrong or the resolution could not have
been adopted unanimously. Please enlighten me.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Hathal
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 3:10 AM
To: CASI Discussion Group
Subject: European parliament reported resolution


Wednesday's (26/04/2000) issue of the Arabic London-based Azzaman newspaper
reported the following about a resolution taken by the European parliament
on Monday. I have searched the news agencies but there was no mention of it
so I had to translate Azzaman's report from Arabic myself. Also, it seems
the European parliament site does not publish its resolutions immediately.
The last one published today was that of 14/04/2000.

I did my best, but hopefully we will have an official English version soon!
The report must also be taken as Azzaman's interpretation of the resolution,
and not as its original text. Some of the wording seems to resemble that
used by Baghdad, not the European parliament! This comes as a surprise as
Azzaman can be considered as an opposition newspaper.

If you can read Arabic you can download the (.pdf) file from Azzaman's site (page 1) or I can e-mail it to you.




Azzaman, Wednesday 26/04/2000, page 1

European Parliament Objects to Military Operations against Iraq

Paris: The European parliament demanded, for the first time, an end to the
economic embargo on the people of Iraq, and a stop to the military
operations by the US and Britain against Iraqi military sites. The
parliament adopted the resolution unanimously on Monday (24/04/00). It was
proposed by the French parliamentarians the De Gaullian Philip Mur Leon and
the Socialist Sami Nyeer (spelling?), and it called for the necessity of
putting an end to the great suffering that inflicts more and more damage to
the Iraqi people, and which is doomed to lead to a serious humanitarian
crisis. It also called for a stoppage of the aerial bombardment operations
which "do nothing but increase tension in the region." The resolution called
for the intensification of efforts to urge governments to take more
realistic measures to quicken the breakage of the economic embargo for which
thousands of Iraqis pay a hefty price daily. It also emphasized the
rejection of policies which aim to interfere in the interior affairs of
sovereign nations. In the same time, it emphasized the importance of
considering the United Nations as the body directly responsible for the
implementation of UN resolutions and of granting it the independence in
directing its policies in general.

Observers in the French capital think that the timing of issuing this
resolution is directly related to some of the changes on the international
scene. Western capitals seem to have had enough of American-British
domination of everything that happens in the Middle East, and they may
prefer to go through parliamentary councils to condemn that before proposing
it on the 'official table' with all the diplomatic repercussions that may

End translation

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