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provisional edition: EP resolution on Iraq

Dear all,

Here is the EP resolution, according to the EP web site. The resolution
date is 13-April -2000


Minutes of 13/04/2000 - Provisional Edition
B5-0342, 0349, 0365 and 0374/00

European Parliament resolution on the situation in Iraq

The European Parliament,

-  having regard to UN General Assembly Resolutions 687, 688, 1293 and 1284
(which was adopted by two permanent members of the Security Council),

A.  whereas the Iraqi government is obliged to continue to accept and
assist with the inspections carried out by the UN with a view to destroying
nuclear and chemical weapons and to cooperate with the International
Committee of the Red Cross, which has been given the task of locating and
repatriating all those who disappeared during Iraq's occupation of Kuwait,

B.  whereas the Iraqi people are in a tragic situation as a result of the
imposition of sanctions,

C.  whereas these sanctions are penalising the civilian population but, in
nine years, have not succeeded in weakening the Iraqi regime, which caused
the conflict and bears most of the responsibility for it,

D.  whereas numerous international agencies and several former UN officials
responsible for overseeing the Food for Oil Programme have denounced the
tragic consequences the sanctions are having for the Iraqi people, and some
of them have gone so far as to resign from their posts,

E.  whereas, according to UNICEF, over half a million children have died in
the decade since sanctions were imposed,

1.  Calls, on grounds of humaníty, on the Council, the Commission and the
High Representative for the CFSP to take action to ensure that:

(a)  the Security Council clarifies the terms of Resolution 1284 by
specifying precisely what is expected of the Iraqi government;

(b)  Iraq agrees to cooperate in applying the UN resolutions;

(c)  consequently, the lifting of sanctions is announced as a matter of

(d)  the international community continues to exercise vigilance with
regard to the Iraqi regime;

(e)  attention is drawn to the need to abide by the rules of the UN Charter
and that, consequently, military action not authorised by the Security 
Council is discontinued;

(f)  the quest for an overall political solution based on compliance with
the standards of the international community is encouraged;

2.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the
Commission, the High Representative for the CFSP and the governments of the
Member States, of the United States and of Iraq.


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