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Kathy Kelly, Denis Halliday nominated for Nobel


April 28, 2000


The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has nominated Denis
Halliday and Kathy Kelly for a joint 2000 Nobel Peace Prize. The
commitment and courage of these nominees illustrate the far-reaching
impact of the actions of individuals in the cause of peace.

In the nomination letter to the Nobel Committee Don Reeves, AFSC General
Secretary (Interim), stated:  "Taken together, the work of Kathleen Kelly
and Denis Halliday represents a comprehensive approach to the problem of
economic sanctions against Iraq and the devastation wrought on the
population of that country, particularly the children."

On the cusp of ten years of the most comprehensive sanctions in modern
time, the humanitarian crisis in Iraq, sadly neglected for many years has
already taken the lives of more than one million Iraqis.  During those
ten years the AFSC has expressed repeatedly its deep concerns over the
increase in infant and child mortality, decline in health and education
standards, and overall rise in death rates from preventable and treatable
illnesses-all resulting from the effects of the economic sanctions on the
people of Iraq.

Kathy Kelly is a cofounder of Voices in the Wilderness, the first U.S.
grassroots organization to bring activists into Iraq to witness the
effect of sanctions, to bring food and medicine to the people of Iraq,
and to educate the public upon their return.

Denis Halliday, an Irish Quaker,  is a former UN Assistant
Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, who resigned his
position in 1998 after some 34 years of UN service to protest the
humanitarian impact of the economic sanctions on the civilian population
of Iraq. He continues to call for reform within the UN Security Council,
and questions the legality of imposing economic sanctions over long
periods of time.  He has spoken widely since his resignation, and has
been a powerful advocate for lifting the economic sanctions against Iraq.

The unique combination of grassroots activism in the work of Kathy Kelly,
and the authority of the former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq,
Denis Halliday, has helped to push the crisis in Iraq to the forefront of
concerns in the world .  We are now engaged in a new dialogue, with
growing international support for the concept of de-linking economic and
military sanctions.

"We nominate them as an expression of the importance of the individuals
who transform a personal commitment to peace into visible and effective
action," stated Reeves in the nomination letter.

The resignations in February 2000 of Hans von Sponeck, the United Nations
Humanitarian Coordinator who replaced Denis Halliday, and Jutta
Burghardt, head of the World Food Program in Iraq served to further
highlight the humanitarian crisis.

AFSC is proud to nominate these two extremely capable and dedicated
people, and feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to be challenged
by their commitments.

The American Friends Service Committee and Quaker Peace and Service in
England were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947 on behalf of the work
of Friends (Quakers) worldwide. 

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