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Re: European parliament reported resolution


I hope some of you find this of interest.  If anybody is interested in
contributing, please let me know, ASAP.



Diaa Hadid:     (+61 2) 62547399

AMIDA magazine to give its next edition an Iraqi theme:

AMIDA magazine (, a student magazine at the ANU with an
"Asia" focus and Australia-wide distribution, intends to give its next
edition an Iraqi theme.  Almost ten years after the US/UN sanctions, it is
timely to explore the country: its politics, culture, society and its
future- in one edition- approximately 28 pages.

Articles and photographs have not been finalised for any of the sections.
We are currently searching for contributors.  If you are interested, or
have any ideas for the design/layout, please contact me via e-mail or
telephone ASAP.

AMIDA plans to assign the following allotments to Iraq.


Guest editor: the topic will broadly be ì10 years under sanctions: where to
now for Iraq?

Features: 2 Articles, approximately 1,000 - 2,000 words each.

Article 1: AMIDA plans to publish a photo essay of the sanctions.  We
believe this will generate the most impact.  Currently we are looking for

Article 2: This is yet to be decided.  We are open to ideas.

Comment: Approximately 700 to 1,000 words.

Comment differs from the editorial in the following ways:
Its subject may or may not be related to the theme.
It is opinion and emotion, and as such, it may come from an obvious
ideological standpoint (please note: AMIDA takes no responsibility for the
views given.  We also do not generally publish extreme or offensive view
It may be written in any variety of styles: humour, sarcasm, etc.

Travel:  Up to 700 words.

Iraq is not simply the sanctions.  A part of what we hope to show in this
issue is the dynamism of Iraq and Iraqis- even in exile.

We are looking for good articles from people who have recently travelled to

Books: Up to 500 words.

1. One non-fiction book on Iraq (we are looking for a review of ìIraq Under
Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and Warî by Anthony Arnove (Editor)

2. A review of recent Iraqi fiction, preferably by new authors, most likely
in exile.  If anybody would like to contribute at least names of such
authors, I would be very grateful, as I am not familiar with Iraqi fiction.

Film: Up to 500 words

This will be either of a recent movie/documentary on Iraq, or work by an
Iraqi film maker, whether in exile or not.  As above, if anybody could
contribute at least the names of artists, I would be very grateful.

Study: Up to 500 words

We hope to dedicate study in this edition to studying Arabic in the Middle
East- I am yet to discover if Iraq has any institutions.  If people would
like to forward me their preferred places of study with brief comments (and
URL's, if they exist), this will be of great use.

Language: the piece díresistance: Up to 500 words

A piece of writing in Arabic about Iraq: it can be an article, a poem, pure
stream of consciousness, an old travel guide describing Iraq.  What ever
comes to mind, as long as it is of high quality and innovative.

Photos are always welcome, even if unaccompanied.  Provided we have some
information about the date and place of the photographs, as well as the
photographers, they may be given consideration.

Profiles: approximately 700 words.

Profiles will be in-your-face style.  They comprise information about the
person and brief interviews with them.  We hope to do (at least) a profile
of one successful Iraqi refugee settled in Australia, and a profile of a
more recent immigrant and his/her experiences, in Iraq and Australia.

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