The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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From A US Soldier

    Hello.  My name is Larry from America and I havent been talking much 
online...rather listening.  Im not much of a talker but I just want to warn 
you all, who certainly care so much, of not letting yourself get so worked up 
over these things.
    I was an American soldier who served in Kuwait in 98.  I am fully 
convinced that the cause I served was a righteous the same time I 
know the sanctions are having the reverse effect of what planned
    To put all this is perspective, we all need to see both sides of the 
issue, I dare say debate is healthy and good because ultimately it produces a 
good outcome.  Yes, there are children dying but we cant defer to emotion for 
every single argument.  I used to be like that and ultimately it makes it 
    It has been my pleasure to see so many people of different cultures, 
nationalities, and even spiritualities concerned.  When you grow up as I did, 
you truly see both sides of the issue..Democrat Mom  Republican Grandpa  
Served in the military/attend a liberal college etc etc
    Do stay involved..if you choose not to, there are no hard feelings.  But 
I do pray for peace amongst all of the peoples of the world and 
ourselves..remember what Bette Middler said  From A Distance You Are My 
Friend Even Though We Are At War.  I hope we all can regain the perspective 
we had and remember why it is that we chose to take on this issue in the 
first place.  For peace.
Lord Bless

Larry Provost
US Army Veteran 
Operation Desert Thunder
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