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humanitarian values in a globalizing world

Hello: A few weeks ago I attended a seminar, on social mobilisation, with a 
guest from Medecins Sans Frontieres--Toronto Canada office. Tommi had been 
in Rwanda when General Romeo Dallaire--a member of the Canadian 
military--was supervising the failed UN peace keeping effort. General 
Dallaire, toward his own healing process, has spoken publically about the 
depression and trauma he suffered following his failed 'mission' in Rwanda. 
This is very significant because he is a high-ranking solider.

A topic I wanted to raise at this seminar, but did not have the chance to, 
was the idea of 'humanitarian values in a globalizing world'. What would be 
the form and substance of these values? Comments and discussion on this 
topic are very welcome.

There is a link here with the Iraqi crisis because it seems to me Rwanda, 
Iraq, Sierra Leonne, Palestinian-Israeli land issues--all fall within the 
purview of the question formulated.

Thanks. I look forward to responses from members on the discussion list.

Anne Ying Der
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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