The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Re: Buongiorno

I have decided not to leave the list after many very kind emails pointed out
that I was probably mistaken (as far as concluding that people sending me
copies of their request removal were snubbing me). I'm not very knowledgeable
about email. As I said before and want to make very clear, I only left because
I didn't want to be the cause of many other people leaving the list (the
snowball effect), not because I was offended. I take this list and its cause
very seriously and I did not to be responsible for a mass desertion. I now I
realize that people left of their own accord and not because of me. I'm sorry
for any time wasted by my error. I am with you all, and very happy to be back
in your company.


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