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Re: Info urgently needed on Sanctions Committee and chemotherapy

> I urgently need to know how to proove that the 661 Committee blocks or has
> blocked medicines for chemioterapy.
> Thanks a lot in advance to all those who can give me any info about
> documents on this subject.

An additional recent piece of news that may be relevant to an
investigation of this issue comes from the most recent "oil for food"
report by the UN Secretary-General (available at

These have been produced every 90 days and are designed to document the
activities of the "oil for food" programme.  They always have a section on
"implementation", which is broken into "south/centre" and "north" 
sections and then further subdivided by sector (food, health and

In this case, the South/Centre "health and nutrition" section tells us

        48. Drugs for the treatment of chronic illnesses valued at $6
        million have been approved but not yet received, and a further
        $500,000 of supplies have failed quality testing. The quantities
        of these drugs ordered by the Ministry of Health are below the
        monthly caseload requirements and were not met by local
        production. Since the beginning of the programme, $26.6 million
        worth of anti-cancer drugs had arrived in the country as at 30
        April 2000, of which a quantity worth $13.3 million (50 per cent)
        had been distributed. WHO attributes this low distribution rate to
        the recent arrival of a large volume of supplies and the long
        periods required for quality testing (21.2 per cent were
        undergoing quality testing).  Radioactive pharmaceuticals valued
        at $1.1 million have also been distributed to cancer treatment

Colin Rowat

Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq               fax 0870 063 5022
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