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(1) More on Butler (2) Saddam's wealth

(1) The URL posted for Richard Butler's WashingtonPost webchat is no longer
active.  Use the following link instead:
This webchat includes a statement from Butler that explicitly supports
de-linking economic and military sanctions, focusing on arms exporters.  In
another context, Butler says "it is imperative that the United Nations
address the sanctions issue, because no person should continue with a
measure that isn't working".   

(2) Forbes magazine has just published their annual "world's wealthiest"
compendium (estimates universally recognized as questionable, but intriuging
nonetheless).  Saddam Hussein previously appeared on this list with an
estimated wealth of $6B (a figure cited by both proponents *and* opponents
of sanctions).  This figure has now been revised upwards to $7B.  Following
is a snip (rank/name/country/wealth):

55. President Saddam Hussein, Iraq, 7
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