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Anti-sanctions: leafletting schedule for saturday


Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will be one of the
speakers at the "Transforming the United Nations" conference being held
in Dublin. 

Activists from the Campaign to end Iraq Sanctions -- Ireland and the
Iraqi Human rights Organisation will be at the gates of the conf.
location to hand out leaflets and in particuler ask Mary Robinson Why
she had not spoken out against the sanctions which kill about 300 Iraqi
babies each day. (Copy of our leaflet is at the bottom of this email.)

Where: The Royal College of surgeons, 123 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Time: 9:30 AM, Saturday. July 8

Please join us. We will supply the banners and lots of leaflets. We will
also sit through her speech and look for opportunity to ask her
questions. Denis Halliday, David Andrews, Paddy McGuiness, Maura Quinn
and Tom Hyland are among other speakers.

Also, a reminder of our weekly picket:

Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin 2
Time: @PM - 3PM.

In solideraty,

Sandeep Vaidya
Campaign to end Iraq Sanctions -- Ireland
Phone: (01) 6727803

The Leaflet:

United Nations kills Iraqi children
10 years of criminal sanctions; 1.5 million Iraqis dead

What has Mary Robinson, the UN High 
Commissioner for Human Rights to say about the UN supervised slaughter
Iraqi people?


An  American Congressman has called the sanctions on Iraq  “infanticide
masquerading for
 foreign policy.”  In the next 10 minutes one Iraqi will have died due
to lack of food, clean 
drinking water, medicine, and/or a dilapidated civilian infrastructure; 
all the result of 10 years of sanctions and almost daily bombings since
December 1998.  

UN agencies working in the fields of health,  food,  agriculture, and
sanitation have 
repeatedly warned us of the ongoing genocide in Iraq:

 “We are destroying an entire society. It is as simple as that.”  Denis
Halliday, former UN 
Asst. Secretary General and Oil for Food Coordinator said.

Death rates for children under age five have doubled. -- UNICEF Report,

50% of rural people have no access to potable water and waste water
treatment facilities no longer function in most urban areas. --WHO

Could it be that nobody told Mary Robinson ?
She claims to be “a moral voice for victims of human rights violations.”
So, why is she silent now? Don’t the people of Iraq deserve equal
protection from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights? 

Campaign to End the Iraq Sanctions — Ireland
125 Winter Garden; Pearse Street; Dublin 2
Phone: 6727803/087 6888853;  

Iraqi Human Rights Organisation
P. O. Box 5375
Dublin 1

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