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FW: How to handle Hain?

From: Colin Rowat <>
To: farbuthnot <>
Subject: Re: How to handle Hain?
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2000, 11:17 am

Hi Felicity,

Thanks for your thoughtful and playful e-mail.  After sending my own last
night I began to realise all its flaws so will spend the next couple of
days awaiting them to be painfully drawn to my attention.  Yours,
thankfully, does not fall into that category: do you think that it might
make sense to post it to the entire list?  Your thought that someone who
could talk about the "inspiring young Hain" honestly, and contrast that
image to him now, seemed particularly powerful.

Incidentally, I'm not yet sure whether I'll be down to London for Monday.


Colin Rowat

Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq               fax 0870 063 5022
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