The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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...and our response

Irish Times, Aug 11


Sir, - I write in response to Madeline Albright's
shameful, offensive and dishonest article in your edition
of August 4th. Very few people would dispute that
Saddam Hussein is anything other than a brutal dictator
who has held his country and his people to ransom for a
very long time. What we should not forget is that both
the United States and Britain assisted his rise to power,
support that included the supply of arms, including
chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. She
talks of how Saddam violated international law, yet there
is not one mention in her article of how the UN Security
Council's imposed sanctions on Iraq are a clear violation
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Nor is there a
mention of the fact that both Britain and the US have
used depleted uranium extensively (a free radioactive
byproduct of the Nuclear industry which is used to coat
missiles to improve missile velocity and is radioactive
for 4,500 years!) in Iraq (and more recently in Kosovo) in
clear violation of the Geneva Convention.

Madeleine Albright is right when she says that "much has
changed since August 2nd 1990" - changed irreversibly
for the estimated 1.5 million people in Iraq who have
died because of the sanctions. She is counting on the
world to forget the continued daily bombing of Iraq by
America and Britain, the denial of disinfectant, surgical
clamps, cancer treatments, clean running water, medical
journals, air conditioning and spare parts for medical
equipment such as incubators for Iraq's hospitals, and the
estimated 1 million malnourished children in Iraq (figure
taken from UNICEF report, November, 1997).

Well, we will not forget the role of Saddam in this
atrocity; but more importantly we will not forget the role
of Britain and America in this act of genocide against a
people and their children. We will not forget that this is
the same woman who, when asked in a CBS interview in
May 1996 about the estimated million deaths of Iraqi
children, stated: "I think this is a very hard choice but the
price - we think the price is worth it." How dare she?
There is more than one tyrant responsible for the
genocide that is happening in Iraq today. - Yours, etc., 

Campaign to End Iraq Sanctions, Baldoyle,
Dublin 13. 

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