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Resolutions and positions on sanctions by "civil society" groups

Prof. Garfield and I are trying to explore the statements made and
resolutions taken to date by "civil society" groups (e.g. NGOs, public
health organisations and human rights groups) on sanctions in general.  

We hope to be able to (i) summarise existing statements and resolutions;
(ii) discuss what we feel to be their weaknesses; and (iii) try to present
a "model" resolution or statement on sanctions.

At this stage we are therefore trying to come up with a list of statements
and resolutions.  At present, we have the following:

1. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights background paper (30
March 2000 draft)
2. American Public Health Association statements:
· #7730 (U.S. Policy on Trade with Cuba)
· #9715 (Impact of Economic Embargoes on Populations Health and Wellbeing)
· #9816 (Aid to the People of North Korea)
3. World Federation of Public Health Association resolution #94-3 (2/5/94)
4. Ethics and Human Rights Committee of the American College of Physicians
position paper (18/1/00 in Annals of Internal Medicine)
5. American Friends Service Committee Guidelines
6. World Medical Association resolution on Economic Embargoes and Health
7. Amnesty International AGM resolutions: USA and UK (2000)
8. Human Rights Watch explanatory memorandum (1/00)
9. Save the Children Fund UK position paper on sanctions on Iraq (25/1/00)
10. International Save the Children Alliance sanctions position paper
11. Open letters by Global Policy Forum, Human Rights Watch, Mennonite
Central Committee, Peace Action Education Fund, Quaker UN Office, Save the
Children (UK) (2000)
12. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
chapter on UN sanctions (World Disaster Report, 1995)

as well as a variety of shorter letters.

If anyone on this list knew of other important statements or resolutions
made by groups like the above, I would very much appreciate learning of

Thank you for your help,

Colin Rowat
393 King's College  
Cambridge CB2 1ST             tel: +44 (0)7768 056 984
England                       fax: +44 (0)8700 634 984

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