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U.S. Muslims and Sanctions on Iraq

On 28 August 2000, the American Muslim Council (AMC) and the polling firm Zogby International 
released a poll of "502 American Muslim likely voters".  According to Zogby International's press 
release: "77.2% [of probable American Muslim voters] say that the current economic sanctions 
against Iraq should be lifted".

Below is a Financial Times article about the poll.  The FT's article cites the 77.2% figure.  Note 
also that the FT article and AMC and Zogby press releases report that 56% of probable American 
Muslim voters plan to vote for Vice-President Al Gore. 

The American Muslim Council's press release: 

Zogby International's press release: <>

Copyright 2000 The Financial Times Limited   
Financial Times (London) 
August 29, 2000, Tuesday London Edition 1 

LENGTH: 400 words 
HEADLINE: WORLD NEWS: THE AMERICAS: Survey shows Gore ahead with Muslims 
   Vice-President Al Gore has clearly emerged as the preferred presidential candidate for America's 
growing population of Muslim voters, a new poll suggests. 

Nearly 56 per cent of 502 American Muslim voters surveyed by the American Muslim Council and the 
pollster Zogby International said they would back the Democratic nominee in the November polls. 
Only 24.1 per cent intended to vote for George W. Bush. the Republican contender. However, a big 
block - 20 per cent - had not made up their minds. 

Just how much of a boost Mr Gore's campaign will receive from Muslim-American voters is hard to 
determine, because the precise number of US Muslims is not known. The US Census Bureau is 
prohibited by law from requiring respondents to state their religion, leaving experts to guess the 
size of the Muslim population by extrapolating from data such as mosque attendance figures. 

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington DC-based advocacy group, believes there 
could be as many as 6m American Muslims. If this figure is correct, it would make Muslims the 
second largest religious group in the US, ahead of Jewish-Americans. 

California is believed to be the state with the largest number of Muslims. Detroit, New York, and 
other urban centres also have significant populations. 

On the whole, the new survey suggests that American Muslims tend to hold liberal political 
positions, favouring stricter gun laws, extension of healthcare for the underprivileged and further 
rises in the minimum wage. 

Of those surveyed, 92.6 per cent also said that the protection of their civil rights was an 
important issue for them. Some US Muslims have protested that a 1996 law passed by Congress 
permitting immigrants to be detained on the basis of evidence filed in secret against them has been 
used by US authorities to violate the constitutional rights of Arab-Americans. 

However, a solid majority of the respondents believed that US society showed respect towards the 
Islamic faith. 

Ibrahim Hooper of the council said most Muslims believed in the essential fairness of the US 
political system: "Domestic policy towards the Muslim community is quite good." But many American 
Muslims are dissatisfied with US foreign policy, the survey suggests. Of those asked 88.7 per cent 
supported an independent Palestinian state, and 77.2 per cent wanted sanctions against Iraq to be 

LOAD-DATE: August 28, 2000

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