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Re: What is the (offical) US requirement for lifting the sanctions?

Per writes:
'While Security Council resolutions state that a favourable report from
UMOVIC is the key issue in lifting sanctions, the US has repeatedly linked
sanctions to other issues, notably a change of regime in Baghdad.'

We must distinguish between the lifting of the export embargo and the
lifting of (civilian) import restrictions. They have different conditions
attached to them. They also have different impacts on the humanitarian
situation. Without a lifting of the import restrictions, the economy cannot
reflate, and there can be no recovery in employment and the value of the
Iraqi dinar, and therefore no restoration in the purchasing power of Iraqi
families, and therefore no solution of the nutritional crisis (see FAO

1) Export embargo
The export embargo is to be lifted once Iraq has been deemed to be in
compliance on disarming its nuclear, chemical, biological, and long range
missile programmes.

2) Import embargo
One can quibble about the terminology used, but UNSCR 687 is interpreted as
stating that lifting the import embargo depends on 'the policies and
practices of the Government of Iraq, including the implementation of all
relevant resolutions of the Security Council'. This is elastic. It can mean
implementation of all Iraq-related resolutions AND whatever else the
Security Council deems relevant. Or it can mean steps towards compliance
with a subset of the demands made in the Security Council resolutions. It
all depends.

The US position could be interpreted as saying that whatever the set of
demands one constructs for the lifting of the import embargo, from the
UNSCRs, there is no hope of achieving compliance in these areas (*to the
standard that the US demands*) without a change of government. Therefore, to
achieve the (elastic) criteria set out in 687 one requires a change of

The official US position seems to be that (a) in order to lift sanctions,
Iraq has to comply in various areas (b) whatever its progress in these
areas, the US is committed to changing the regime.

My impressions only. Hope this is useful.



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