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Hello. Glenn here.

Given Menzies Campbell's statements on Iraq there are bound to be reports in
tomorrows broadsheets. These will hopefully be ideal pieces on which to
'hang' letters to those papers.

Good opportunities like this only come round once every few weeks, so I
would urge all who can to scour the papers tomorrow and take half an hour
out to write a short letter to one or more of them. The more they get, the
more likely they will be to publish one of the bunch they receive.

The Independent has been very sympathetic, together with the Guardian and
recently the Telegraph. The Times tend to publish letters that point out a
particular error, omission or logical flaw - they go less for the emotive
stuff. Perhaps they would be a good one to make the point about HRW that
Colin mentioned.

As a final encouragement, political parties rarely make dramatic shifts in
policy like this unless they think there is public support for it. They
assess such support by, among many other things, looking at letters in the
broadsheets. Please write and show the Labour party that the Lib Dems are on
the right track.

Best of luck


>The Liberal Democrats, the UK's third party, is currently holding their
>annual conference.  Menzies Campbell, their Foreign Policy spokesman, has
>just delivered a speech, available in full at
>In it he devotes a section to Iraq, calling for the lifting of the
>non-military sanctions on Iraq

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