The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

Views expressed in this archived message are those of the author, not of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Some Italian photographers who travelled to Iraq during and after the Gulf War either to document the work of "Bridge to …" or to know the reality of the country have witnessed the difficult human and professional condition of Iraqi photographers. Because of the complete isolation in which they have lived now for ten years, they are unable - like the workers in other fields of the society - to do their job, to keep in touch with colleagues from other countries and develop exchanges of ideas and research, to be informed and discuss on the authors, the themes and the evolution of photography

The sanctions imposed on Iraq are still preventing the import of any photographic material (from paper to equipment). They also hinder the training of young photographers, since any production and research activity has been halted, with serious economic and cultural consequences.

Being aware that we must try to build a link with the photographers of Iraq, to support their efforts in resuming intellectual commitment and a dialogue with the outside world, we thought that a first friendly gesture could be the opening of a "Photography Library" inside Baghdad’s Gallery of Modern Art.

We are collecting books of and about photography (in Italian and other languages) among the photographs who have visited Iraq or who want to support this initiative to show their refusal of the unacceptable logic of the sanctions.

We are also asking for donations from specialised publishing houses, foundations, Italian and foreign cultural centres with the aim of establishing this public library as a space for meetings, exhibitions and workshops.

In order to create a fund to purchase books for the library (both in Italy and abroad), we ask photographers to support this initiative with a financial contribution from Lit. 30,000.

The Library will be managed by "Bridge to…" in cooperation with the Gallery of Modern Art and photographer Adil Al Tai.

The first shipping of books will take place in October (delivery of books should take place by end September). Public events to promote the project are being prepared.

Books must be either sent to

"Un Ponte per ...", via della Guglia 69/a, 00186 Rome

or handed to photographers or organisations charged with the collection in the different areas (addresses will be given later).

Financial contributions must be sent to:

Bank account : n.100790 – ABI 5018 – CAB 12100, Banca Etica, ordered to "Un Ponte per …" (specifying "Photography Library")


postal orders: current account n. 59927004 "Un Ponte per …" (specifying "Photography Library")

Contributions are tax-deductible, if you keep receipts.


Alessandra, "Un Ponte per…"

tel. 0039-06-6780808 ; fax: 0039.06.6793968




Isabella Balena – tel. 0039 – 02 –55014781 – e-mail:

Mario Boccia – tel. 0039 – 06 – 35341420

Patrizio Esposito – tel. 0039 – 081 – 416092

(Photographs Coordinators)

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