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child malnutrition FAO/WFP report

1) Acute malnutrition in south/central Iraq 10 per cent.
2) 800,000 chronically malnourished children in south/central Iraq.

Dear Yousef

The National Coordinating Meeting asked me to extract child malnutrition
statistics from the recently published report on health and nutrition from
the UN agencies Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Food
Programme (WFP).

The full report can be found at:

1) Acute malnutrition
The FAO/WFP says 'Wasting in under five-year-olds is unacceptably high at
around 10 per cent.' Wasting being acute malnutrition.

2) Chronic malnutrition
It says, ' least about 800,000 children under the age of five are
chronically malnourished.' This refers to low height for age or 'stunting'.

Some improvement in chronic malnutrition in Baghdad (from 28 to 12 per cent
compared to 1995)and Kerbala (39.3 per cent in 1996, now 18 per cent), but
deterioration in Diala (up from 20.6 per cent in 1996 to 27 per cent this

3) Quote:
'A household nutritional survey was conducted by the Nutrition Research
Institute, Ministry of Health and [FAO/WFP] Mission staff from May 7-16,
2000... Results indicate that the prevalence of wasting (low
weight-for-height which reflects acute malnutrition) in children under five
years of age continues at unacceptably high levels: over 10% for each of the
three centre/south Governorates surveyed. There has been only a marginal
decrease for these Governorates since the FAO/WFP assessment of 1995 and the
1996 Multiple Cluster Indicator Household Survey. The Baghdad result can be
compared with the much lower prevalence of 3% in 1991 reported by the
International Harvard Team.'

4) Adult obesity
Incidentally, over half the adult population is obese, 'and may be due to
several causes, including inappropriate diet, lack of physical activity and
lifestyle. One factor may be the relatively high carbohydrate content of the
[oil-for-food] rations which reaches all households at the expense of
quality proteins and micronutrients. Physical activity of adults has been
reduced due to unemployment and the adoption of sedentary lifestyles.' [Hans
von Sponeck recently estimated unemployment at 60 to 70 per cent.]

Mil Rai
Voices in the Wilderness UK

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