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Re: Prayer for Peace

Dear Brigitte,

I completely agree with your sentiment. Like you I want to live in a world
free from religion. But don't  you think that we humans would have invented
something else to fight about?.

I found out only yesterday that the Israeli authority have, in recent
months, escalated their re-location policy in Jerusalem to a new high. 700
homes have been demolished or are about to demolished.
The Palestinians have been the majority  Jerusalem for over 2000 years.
However, the Israelis for the past 50 years, have been steadily changing the
demographic nature of the city so that they become the majority. As part of
their aim to make it exclusively a Jewish capital. As this is an official
policy, the Palestinians cannot challenge the authorities in courts. the
entire state system conspires to defeat these people. They are always
refused permits to build extensions in their homes or build new homes on
land they own. the Land authority refuses to register the land in their
names.  As for jobs the Israelis gives the Palestinians identity cards which
allows them to go to certain sections of the city where they work, mainly as
labourers. From what I know the Palestinians have skills and are often well
educated but only  few actually can get  jobs in highly skilled professions
in Israel.

Does not all this remind you of APARTHEID South Africa ?.

I am not a Palestinian nor am I religious. But I find this an appalling
abuse of basic human rights and decency. Unfortunately, some popular
sections of the media, often portrays the Palestinians as angry, violent
people. Is not the entire civil and criminal system in Israel based
on discrimination assisted by the use of all forceful means ?. The Israeli
authorities and extremist settlers are driven by hatred themselves. I have
been talking to some settlers in a newsgroup and I have only once
encountered such arrogant disregard for human life before. in the actions of
Saddam Hussein.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: Prayer for Peace

> Hello thank you for your info. I knew for a long time that the
> are not treated right. The US is only for Israel. There will never be
> Also I wish we did not have Religions it would make things more easy in
> world. We need to lift the sanction in Iraq all the children are dying
> love Brigitte

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