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Re: Urgent: Jewish extremists to provoke.....

...."spread the fears of the Mideast?"   You gotta be kidding.

The US government and vast numbers of the American population are actively,
and financially supporting and promoting the extremists who are about to commit
the next provocation
in Jerusalem against the Palestinians and entire Muslim World  with the intent to
provoke mass reactions
across the Middle East, and  with the obvious intent to give  the US-backed
Israeli militarist government
"justification" to unleash their weapons of mass destruction and commit mass
murder and mass
expulsions of the Palestinians already under siege in the hundreds of bantustans
Israel set up
during the "Peace Process Hoax."

It is obvious that this will have a profound bearing on the Iraqi population
already suffering genocide
at the behest of the US in the interest of Israel, as well as on all Middle East

You must work for the US govt., Larry....Is it the CIA?  State Department?
Military Intelligence? ....or one of the other many dozens such functioning here
and around the world.  Keep "praying" the leaders of our great
democracy they kill, destroy, overthrow, subvert and commit
genocide of  "lessor peoples"....while  militarily, politically, economically
and with censorship and propaganda, support  their "ally"  committing
Crimes Against Humanity  and mayhem against a brutally occupied civilian

Who is your "blessing" for, Larry?....list subscribers, the religious fanatics in
Jerusalem, the
Israelis who are continuing to cleanse Historic Palestine of the Arab Gentiles,
their American
sponsors and protectors?.....or........
-------- wrote:

> Friends
>     Arent we supposed to have this list to discuss the sanctions and not
> spread the fears of the Mideast as said by the moderator of the listserve the
> other day?  These are serious times and perhaps they do call for more
> discussion but another place may be appropriate.  In the meantime, I am
> continuing to pray for Peace and for my friends Muslim, Jewish, and
> Christian.  Thats all I can say about things.
> Blessings Always
> Larry Provost

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