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Re: SC1302

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Stuart Halford wrote:

> Does anyone know what Security resolution 1302 stands for ? .... please

This is probably a reference to Security Council Resolution 1302, passed
on 8 June 2000 (see
for a list of all SCRs on Iraq since 1990).

The notes there point out that SCR 1302 begins Phase VIII of "oil for
food".  Paragraph 8 asks for water and sanitation "green lists"; paragraph
9 extends the oil spare parts permission of SCR 1293; paragraph 18 calls
for the establishment of a team of "independent experts to prepare by 26
November 2000 a comprehensive report and analysis of the humanitarian

I hope that this helps; please let me know if any more information is


Colin Rowat

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