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FW: Iraq DU: From Father Benjamin, Italy, new web site

Thus is from Father Jean-Marie Benjamin, priest, writer, film maker who 
organised the Rime to Baghdad flight and the Paris one which was cancelld.
Subject: Iraq DU: From Father Benjamin, Italy, new web site
Date: Fri, Oct 20, 2000, 4:29 am

Iraq DU: From Father Benjamin, Italy, new site

Dear friends,

When I gave a press conference in Paris a couple of years ago for the
launch of my book "Irak : l'apocalypse", where I denounced the impact
of radioactivity on the Iraqi population as a result of the use of
weapons with depleted uranium against Iraq during the Gulf War, one
of  the journalists stood up and said: "But Father, if that were true, we
would know about it". Today, reading the press, seeing the media and
seeing the concern of parlamentarians in many countries, one sadly
begins to realise that it was true. In December 1998, when the British
and American forces bombarded Iraq once again, I was in Baghdad. My
cameraman (Francesco Bistocchi) and I filmed what we saw: the
bombings by night and the effects of the bombs by day. When I returned,
the  disinformation in the press was revolting: it referred to "intelligent
missiles", the "clean war" (no more than 66 civilians killed, when in
fact there were more than 1800), regrettable "side-effects"... and
the  same language was used a year later during the Balkan bombings. In
1999, I presented a report to the Italian parliament on "The effects
of the embargo and radioactive contamination on the Iraqi population".
When I was summoned for a hearing by the the Chamber of Deputies'
Foreign Affairs Commission, one Member of Parliament said to me: "In
fact, nobody knows whether the depleted uranium weapons used in Iraq
caused strong toxicity or radioactive contamination". I answered that
this is precisely the problem. How is it that 10 years after the Gulf
War, none of the Western governments have been informed of the sad
reality of the radioactive contamination of the whole ecological
system and of the population in Iraq? Not to mention the 200,000
American war veterans and the thousands of British, French, Canadians,
Belgians and soldiers of other countries who are suffering terrible
illnesses as a result of the radioactive contamination caused by their
own weapons! With an Italian crew (see our web site), we made two
films: "Iraq: the birth of time" and "Iraq: journey to the forbidden
kingdom". Few television companies have been willing to broadcast the
disturbing evidence given in these films.

So far, with the help of my collaborators, we have fought this
difficult battle on our own to make people aware of what is really
happening in Iraq. Despite difficulties, we have continued to cry
scandal at the deliberate extermination of a people by bombardment,
embargo and radioactive contamination. This is a difficult
undertaking, which is why I now need your help and your support. To
be able to act more effectively, we have founded an association, "The
Benjamin Committee for Iraq". For this suffering people, but also to
stop this "culture of death" and the dangers it represents for
humanity as a whole, I know I can count on your support. Thank you
for  anything you can do.

Yours truly

Jean-Marie Benjamin
Forwarded by:

Marco Saba

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