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Press Releases and SC Meetings

Per a request, search instructions from Takako Nagumo <>, UN reference librarian:

Using the Press Release database available on the UN website, you can search for coverage of the 
Security Council meetings that dealt with the issue of sanctions on Iraq. I include
instructions for its use immediately below.

1. Go to the UN News Center, from which there is a link to the Press Release database:

2. In the left column, under 'Press Room,' there is the subheading 'Press Releases.' Immediately 
below that are links to 'Last 7 Days' and 'Search.' Click on 'Search.'  This will take you to the 
Press Release Search Page.

3. At the top of the Search Page, you will see "Full-Text Search", then "Enter a string to find 
within the full text of the UN Press Releases." Enter "iraq sanctions" in the box immediately below 
(without the quotes).

4. There are three radio buttons below the box. Choose "Match all of these words."

5. Scroll down to the section headed "Field Search." In the pulldown menu for "Category," choose 
"SC: Security Council."

6. In the box after "Press Releases AFTER this Date," change the date to "01-01-1999." Leave blank 
the box after "Press Releases BEFORE this Date".

7. Press the "Search" button.

8. You will get a list of press releases covering the security council meetings with the words 
'iraq' and 'sanctions.' Click on the title of each press release to look at them individually.

9. In each press release, there will be an indication of the meeting number at the 'top' of every 
page except the first.  For example, the first press release in the above search
contains the following at the top of 'page 2':

"Security Council - 2 - Press Release SC/6917 4192nd Meeting (PM) 31 August 2000"

This is the press release that reported on the 4192nd meeting of the Security Council. The proces 
verbal (PV) for this meeting would have the following symbol:


Going through all of the press releases (there were 27 in the above search), you will be able to 
construct the symbol for the PVs of the Security Council meetings that discussed sanctions on Iraq.

I hope that this will be of some assistance to you. Please feel free to contact us at the Reference 
Desk if you have any problems using the Press Release Search database.

Best regards,

Takako Nagumo, MLIS
External Collection Reference Desk
L-105 Dag Hammarskjold Library
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
(212) 963-7394 (Reference Desk)
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