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Re: Will the MP read the fax?

My experience has been that faxing letters to MPs and government is the most reliable way to make sure they get them. (This is not an ad for the website!! I haven't got shares in it. )If you phone the office you sent the fax to, in this case, your MPs office and confirm it has arrived then they should reply to it. It's a good idea to get the name of the person who has told you they have received it. I think all MPs have their own secretary, they usually would be the person you talk to at their office.

 My experience from sending letters by post is that they often seem to go missing. Maybe I'm unlucky but I've found about a third of posted letters to my MP disappear without trace.

Incidentally some MPs now answer  email letters. You sshould be able to get their email by looking at the Houses of Parlaiment website


  "V.M.Jabir" <> wrote:

I received the following message after faxing my MP via the
website, BUT will he read it? Are we into a situation where our
MPs only read mail arriving in white envelopes? Even so, I
think it is a great campaigning tool.
Valerie Jabir
The message goes:

Hi Valerie Jabir,
Success! We faxed your message to Mr Julian Brazier
We have attached an exact copy of your fax to this
email as an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file. You may download
Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from

We hope that your MP responds promptly, but we can't
guarantee that they will read your fax, and we can't
follow up any enquiries you make regarding your
communication with your MP. Sorry.

Please feel free to email us on with
any comments, problems or suggestions about our service.

And don't forget to let your friends and family
know about

All the best

The Team
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