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Lets keep up the presure:

Hello as we know Depleted Uranium is all over the news at the moment: Lets keep up the presure: 

On Thursday 11 1 2000 there will be a debate in the House of Parliament: phone 0773006873 are asking people to fax the following to there MP: 

Using Of course you can add your own coments etc:

What is Depleted Uranium? 

The misnamed 'Depleted' Uranium is left after enriched uranium is separated from natural uranium in 
order to produce fuel for nuclear reactors. During this process, the fissionable isotope Uranium 
235 is separated from uranium.  The remaining uranium, which is 99.8% uranium 238 is misleadingly 
called 'depleted uranium'.  While the term 'depleted' implies it isn't particularly dangerous, in 
fact, this waste product of the nuclear industry is 'conveniently' disposed of by producing deadly 

Depleted uranium is chemically toxic.  It is an extremely dense, hard metal, and can cause chemical 
poisoning to the body in the same way as can lead or any other heavy metal. However, depleted 
uranium is also radiologically hazardous, as it spontaneously burns on impact, creating tiny 
aerosolised glass particles which are small enough to be inhaled.  These uranium oxide particles 
emit all types of radiation, alpha, beta and gamma, and can be carried in the air over long 
distances. Depleted uranium has a half life of 4.5 billion years, and the presence of depleted 
uranium ceramic aerosols can pose a long term threat to human health and the environment. 

In the 1950's the United States Department of Defense became interested in using depleted uranium 
metal in weapons because of its extremely dense, pyrophoric qualities and because it was cheap and 
available in huge quantities.  It is now given practically free of charge to the military and arms 
manufacturers and is used both as tank armour, and in armour-piercing shells known as depleted 
uranium penetrators.  Over 15 countries are known to have depleted uranium weapons in their 
militaray arsenals - UK, US, France, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, 
Kuwait, Pakistan, Thailand, Iraq and Taiwan - with depleted uranium rapidly spreading to other 
countries.  Depleted uranium was first used on a large scale in military combat during the 1991 
Gulf War, and has since been used in Bosnia in 1995, and again in the Balkans war of 1999. 

A sub-commission of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights appointed a 'rapporteur' to 
investigate the use of depleted uranium weapons among other types of weapons, after passing a 
resolution which categorised depleted uranium weapons alongside such as nuclear, chemical and 
biological weapons, napalm, and cluster bombs as a 'weapon of indiscriminate effect'. 

Depleted uranium is also used in civilian products.  For example, it is used as ballast in 
aeroplanes (having disastrous consequences in 1992 when an El-Al jet crashed into flats near 
Amsterdam - depleted uranium was also involved in the recent Stansted Korean Air crash - see CADU 
News issue 3 for full report).  It is also used in some hospital equipment.  The alarming Euratom 
(European Atomic Energy Community) objective which will allow the 'recycling' of low-level 
radioactive waste in to consumer goods has also raised concerns that depleted uranium may be used 
in this way. 

Ps there is a mass blockade of Parliament to mark 10 years of the continued genacide of the Iraqi 
peoples: Meet 1pm outside maine gates of Wesminster Abbey: On Tuesday 16th Jan: If you can not make 
this than why not got and take part in the protest from the comfert of your home / 
office etc:

One Love Mozaz: (

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