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BBC Newsnight 19Jan2001 Iraq inaccuracies Mark Urban

On, or around, the 19th January 2001, the BBC TWO news program Newsnight broadcast a piece by Mark 
Urban on the anniversary of the allied attack on Iraq.

The transcript of that piece is available here:

I quote a part of that piece:

"This system collapsed in December 1998, when President Clinton ordered a new wave of air strikes. 
Saddam Hussein had kicked out the weapons inspectors."

This last statement is false. This has not stopped many news outlets from proclaiming it as true, 
as one can see in this report:

I sent a message to the Newsnight team on the same night as the transmission demanding that Mark 
Urban corrects and apologizes for this error. I have not received any communication from them on 
this matter. I feel that some more pressure should be brought on the Newsnight team to explain 
themselves. Can you help?

Best Regards
Themos Tsikas

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