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: Baghdad Bombed by US/UK

Baghdad Bombed
1. BBC Report
2. CNN Report

1. BBC Report
Friday, 16 February, 2001, 19:10 GMT 
Allied planes bomb Baghdad

The United States and the United Kingdom carried out bombing raids on
targets close to the Iraqi capital Baghdad. 
Air raid sirens were heard at about 1930 local time in Baghdad, and there
were reports of anti aircraft fire and loud explosions. 

Shortly afterwards, Iraqi television announced "Baghdad has come under
attack by American aggressors." 

Iraqi television interrupted its programmes and started to broadcast
national songs. 

The Pentagon said the targets were Iraqi command and control centres south
of Baghdad to safeguard allied air patrols over a southern no-fly zone. 

A British Ministry of Defence spokesman said the raids were in response to
an increased threat to allied aircraft from Iraq's missile defences in
recent weeks. 
2. CNN Report 
U.S., British warplanes hit targets outside Baghdad
February 16, 2001
Web posted at: 1:55 p.m. EST (1855 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. and British aircraft attacked two communications
and control facilities outside Baghdad, Iraq, on Friday, Pentagon officials

The attack was the first in Baghdad since February 24, 1999, when U.S.
aircraft attacked targets on the outskirts of the capital, killing and
wounding several people. 

The planes carried out their attack without crossing the 33rd parallel, the
line that marks the boundary of the southern no-fly zone south of Baghdad,
the Pentagon said. 

Lawrence Eagleburger, former secretary of state: "It's more than about time" 

The facilities targeted were outside the no-fly zone, which was set up by
U.S. and British forces at the end of the Gulf War in 1991 but is not
recognized by Iraq. 

Pentagon officials said that intelligence indicated that anti-aircraft
attacks carried out by the Iraqis against allied planes patrolling the
no-fly zone have been directed from the control centers north of the 33rd

The United States has claimed the right to strike facilities outside the
no-fly zone. 

Iraqis celebrating the end of the week in Baghdad were interrupted by the
wail of air raid sirens, although they were told at first the sirens were a

Some 10 minutes later, however, anti-aircraft fire erupted to the south and
west of the city and several large explosions were heard. Iraqi television
changed from its regular programming to military music. 

Television also aired an image of a wounded Iraqi soldier. 

British and U.S. warplanes also patrol a no-fly zone in the north of Iraq. 

CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre and Correspondent Jane
Arraf contributed to this report.////end

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