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Iraqi "Opposition"

After the news of the bombing of Iraq, and the civilian casualties and deaths, there was an interview with a man claiming to represent the "official" Iraqi "opposition" based in London.  This man (Ali ?, possibly Ahmed Chalabi), said that they supported the bombing and the policing of the "no-fly" zones by the US and British military, and that it was all Saddam's fault, etc etc.

If someone calling themselves the official Iraqi opposition is going publicly to support these bombings, and possibly even
the sanctions, then this is a massively negative development.

Could anyone talk to these people in London, or, if unsuccessful, at least explain to the rest of the world what their motivation may be?  Apparently Chalabi is a huge crook who was sentenced in absentia in Jordan to 34 years
hard labour.

It is of concern that any good that comes out of publicizing the US/British war on Iraq may be overshadowed by this "official" group, saying "Don't worry, we support the bombings and the sanctions."  Other people may, of course, think there's nothing to worry about.

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