The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Protests in Sheffield

Protests in Sheffield against bombing of Baghdad

A protest against the bombing took place in Sheffield on Saturday, at 1.00 outside Sheffield Town Hall. Around a dozen people turned out at very short notice to distribute 1000 leaflets (see text below) and collect signatures to a petition condemning the sanctions and bombing of Iraq. For less than £10, the local photocopier sold us 3 giant A0 photocopies of a page saying "Stop Bombing Iraq!  End the sanctions - withdraw UK military forces," so anyone passing could immediately see why we were there.
We met many people who were angry with the bombings and who were eager to sign our petition, and who were glad to see that a protest was taking place which gave voice to their feelings. Only two or three people expressed support for the bombing.

We decided to organise another, bigger protest next Saturday:  1.00pm, outside Sheffield Town Hall

Sheffield Campaign Against War in the Gulf

Stop Bombing Iraq!
Lift the sanctions! – Withdraw UK military forces!

The governments of Tony Blair and George Bush are responsible for deaths of over 1.5 million Iraqi people, including one million children, since 1991.
This is the death toll of their policy of sanctions and bombs. Virtually the entire world demands an end to this genocidal policy, but the US and UK continue to veto all calls for change.
Now, with the latest bomb attack on Baghdad, the US and UK are guilty of yet another lawless act of terrorism.
Meanwhile, deformed babies and an epidemic of childhood cancers are the spreading effects of 1,000,000 depleted uranium-tipped bullets used against Iraq in 1991.
The same powers who backed Iraq’s war of aggression against Iran in the 1980s; who were the first to use poison gas against the Iraqi Kurds (Churchill in 1922); who protected Saddam from UN censure when he did the same thing in 1988; who have put nuclear, chemical and biological weapons into the hands of Israel; these same powers have no moral right to kill any more Iraqi people!

Sheffield Campaign Against War in the Gulf

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