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FW: Iraq: Another drive-by shooting

From: David Morgan <>
Subject: Iraq: Another drive-by shooting
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2001, 4:07 am

         Another drive-by shooting
(Dedicated to George, Kofi, Tony & the New Order)

A child, it seems, was shot and killed last night
when gunmen in two cars shot up the house
held by a man (known to police) who owns
a big gas station on a nearby lot.
Such drive-by shootings, readers will recall,
have often happened in the past ten years

"This is a sad day," the Police Chief said,
"for law and order in this peaceful town.
This child is not the first," the Chief went on,
"to die by gunfire, hunger or disease
brought on his children by this willful dad."

"Why can't this headstrong rogue whose children are
half-starved," the patient Chief asked with a frown,
"sell out his bankrupt gas outlet to some
respected name - like Esso, Chevron, Shell-
and thus protect his children and help bring
peace and new order to this town of ours?"

    David Morgan, Vancouver, 2.19.01

*  David Morgan,         *
*  240 Holyrood Road,    *
*  North Vancouver,      *
*  BC, V7N 2R5, Canada   *
*  Tel: (604)985-7147    *
*  Fax: (604)985-1260    *
*  <dmorgan@web.,net>    *

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